Our Animal Adoption scheme enables you to help towards the cost of looking after one of our resident animals or birds.
Over the years, Lower Moss Wood, has given refuge to many animal and bird species which have been hand reared and so are reliant on humans to cater for their every need. Due to being hand reared these animals and birds are not afraid of humans or predators and they can’t find food for themselves. This leaves them extremely vulnerable and therefore cannot be released into the wild. Although these animals and birds were not raised in captivity at Lower Moss Wood we have given them a safe and caring home where they can live out the rest of their lives.
By adopting a resident animal or bird you will be contribing towards the costs of the specialist care, food and medicines that your chosen animal or bird needs for one year.
The cost of an adoption is £35 for one year. You can choose an adoption for yourself or as a gift for someone you know.